Vaccination before the trip to the United States

Recommended vaccinations

Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis


Measles, mumps, rubella

Hepatitis B

Recommendation for long-term stays in the country, backpacking, volunteer work, residence, etc.

Hepatitus A

Recommended for certain occupational groups or certain risk groups.

Included in the childhood vaccination program in the United States. Can be recommended or be a requirement for children who are going to start preschool or school, do an exchange year in high school or study in college.

Included in the childhood vaccination program in the United States. Can be recommended or be a requirement for children who are going to start preschool or school, do an exchange year in high school or study in college.

Recommended for certain professions or for certain leisure activities. The risk is low. However, there is a high risk among foxes, skunk and raccoons.

Other recommendations

Mosquito protection

Protect yourself from mosquito bites. Risk in certain areas of Denuge, Zika, West Nile fever.

Sweden Abroad
Foreign Travel Advice