Vaccination before the trip to Cuba

Recommended vaccinations

Tetanus, diphtheria, pertussis


Measles, mumps, rubella

Hepatitus A

Hepatitis B

Cholera / ETEC

Recommendation for longer stays in the country



Recommended for children who cannot report bites, people who have to work with animals, expose themselves to risk or when adequate medical care cannot be guaranteed.

Mandatory vaccines

Yellow fever

Only if you arrive within 6 days (ie stay, transit> 12h) from areas with yellow-fever transmission.

Other recommendations

Mosquito protection

There is a risk of mosquito-borne diseases such as dengue fever and Zika. Protect yourself from mosquito bites.


There is a risk of rabies. Do not contact mammals and seek immediate medical attention if you are bitten.

Good to know before the trip to Cuba

Cuba – the lonely country in the Caribbean that has shielded itself from the outside world is once again open to tourists. But besides swaying hips to the salsa, the colorful houses and the tough cigar smoke, there are things to keep in mind, regarding rules, customs, hygiene and vaccinations. Here is a small manual for the traveller who is planning to visit Cuba.


Cuba places demands on travellers who have previously been to African or South American countries where yellow fever is present. In that case, you must bring a vaccination certificate with you before entering the country. Recommended vaccines against Hepatitis A / B, typhoid and tetanus and diphtheria should be taken and significant protection against the Zika virus in the form of mosquito repellent is very important.

Hygiene and health aspects

Cuba maintains a relatively good level of hygiene and a high standard at the tourist destinations, not least as the country slowly withdraws from the brink of revolution and orients itself towards Western modernism. However, you should refrain from raw fish and / or seafood and not eat food that has been in the heat all day. When it comes to drinking water, stick to unopened plastic bottles.


In Cuba, there are two seasons – a dry season and a rainy season, as well as hurricanes that can wreak havoc. Preferably plan your visit to the months November through April, and avoid August-October when the hurricane season is in full swing. However, the rainy season can also offer sunshine between the downpours. In July, the famous Havana Carnival attracts thousands of tourists.

Three tips before the trip to Cuba

Queues, cash and CUC. These three words should be kept in mind when visiting in Cuba. First, there is a queue for everything in Cuba and God bless those who push themselves ahead of the queue. ATM cards of American origin are often invalid in Cuba and therefore you must carry a bundle of cash with you. Also note that it is expensive to withdraw money from vending machines. The euro always works, but the tourist currency CUC is otherwise suitable. This is the currency system that is linked to tourism, which means that Cuba is not as cheap for a European or American as one might think.

Sweden Abroad
Foreign Travel Advice